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She reads, she watches and sometimes she goes outside

I read as often as I can. I watch a lot of movies and I love to walk and cycle. Most of my reading is fluff for relaxation.

Currently reading

The Purpose Driven Life: What on Earth Am I Here for?
Rick Warren
15th Affair
Maxine Paetro, James Patterson
Love on the Range: A Looking Glass Lake Prequel (Looking Glass Lake Series Book 0)
Rebecca Nightsong
Robot Coconut Trees: Break Through Writer's Block, Unleash Your Creative Voice, and Become the Writer You Already Are
Kelsey Horton
The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel
Neil Gaiman, Neil Gaiman
One Summer In France
Bev Spicer
Two Are Better: Midlife Newlyweds Bicycle Coast to Coast
Tim Bishop;Debbie Bishop
The Misinterpretation of Tara Jupp
Eva Rice

Along Came a Spider

Along Came a Spider - James Patterson I was expecting good things from this as I had chosen specifically to go back to the beginning of the James Patterson craze. I had struggled (am still struggling) to get through a later James Patterson so this was me trying to kick off a writer I had not enjoyed in past.

I liked the book. A lot. It was a great summer read - light and quick moving. I am liking the main character which was the point of reading this book so I can get to know an evolving character (much like why I enjoy tv characters who develop over movie heroes who get one shot). Alex Cross is being carefully unveiled which I am enjoying.

Once I got used to the style which I liken to Stephen King in that the ideas are amazing but the descriptive language can be a bit boring at times. This doesn't make it hard to read it just makes it feel a bit like a teenager writing you a letter that they have just unloaded everything in their head rather than carefully chosen prose. It is however a snappy story and doesn't drag. Not entirely the ending I was expecting but not a disappointment at all. I would recommend this and I am now off to read "Kiss the Girls"